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Big Kids




What to do When Kids Fight

What to do When Kids Fight

Arguing, name-calling, tattling, physical fighting, and taking one another’s things gets on everyone’s nerves. Why are...

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Fueling Young Athletes: Nutrition for Peak Performance
Proper nutrition and hydration are essential for student athletes. Kids are growing while also burning a high number of calories during sports, making it crucial to fuel their bodies correctly. Poor nutrition can stunt growth, and for girls, it can even increase the...
Preventing Sibling Rivalry
If your kids aren’t fighting yet, here are some strategies you can use now. Catch your older child being kind toward a sibling. If you have a new baby, praise your child for being gentle or waiting her turn while you finish changing the baby’s diaper before you help...
What’s so Bad about Measles? Symptoms and the MMR
Read Part 1 in this series: Why Worry About Measles? Measles outbreaks happen among people who aren’t immune to the disease. There are classrooms of kids where only half the kids are vaccinated. And there are schools where virtually everyone in the school is...
Why Worry about Measles?
Measles is all over the news right now -  Is it really a big deal?  I took care of a patient with measles about 10 years ago, and I will never forget what patients with measles look like. I walked into the exam room and saw this 3 year old, it was unmistakable, she...
Handle a baby tooth injury with ease

Handle a baby tooth injury with ease

At least half of all kids will damage a baby tooth by falling. And 99% of those will occur on Christmas Eve, Easter or any other time dentist offices are closed. I got a text message from a friend a few years ago on Christmas Eve after her daughter hit her front...

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Babies feel pain

Babies feel pain

Do we learn to feel pain? Babies’ scrunched up faces and curdling screams certainly suggest that our little ones feel pain. However, until the 1980s, scientists believed that babies’ responses were purely a reflex, and not a true pain reaction. So, fearing they would...

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How would kids childproof?

How would kids childproof?

Childproofing your home to protect from falls isn’t just about buying and installing gear. Babies have a miraculous ability to fall from furniture before you have ever witnessed their ability to roll over. And toddlers are legally required to climb to the highest...

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Ask Dr. Wendy

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