Sick all the time?
Does it seem like your child is sick all the time? You’re probably right. Should you be worried?...
Read MoreApr 29, 2015
Does it seem like your child is sick all the time? You’re probably right. Should you be worried?...
Read MoreApr 15, 2015
Hint: It’s not caused by teething. Drooling is not a sign of teething. It signals that your baby’s...
Read MoreApr 2, 2015
How does Plain Jane milk come out the other end as Technicolor poop? Baby poop’s unique color is a...
Read MoreFeb 1, 2015
Don’t whiten your child’s teeth just yet. Their new permanent teeth aren’t...
Read MoreNov 20, 2014
Did your baby run a marathon? Why so much sweat from simply napping and feeding? Babies don’t...
Read MoreNov 6, 2014
Normal, healthy, potty-trained 5-to-8 year-old kids can wet the bed at night. Nighttime bedwetting...
Read MoreSep 7, 2014
She turns red in the face, grunts, pushes…and nothing comes out. I know what you’re thinking. Poor...
Read MoreI’m Dr. Wendy Hunter, a pediatrician and mom. I answer the questions you forgot or were too embarrassed to ask your kid’s doctor. I mix the science of modern medicine with the reality of parenting.
Click here to send me your questions about why kids get sick and how to keep them healthy!