Dr. Wendy Hunter

I’m Dr. Wendy.

i answer your questions about kids’ health.

I’m a pediatrician and mom. I answer the questions you forgot or were too embarrassed to ask your kids’ doctor. I mix the science of medicine with the reality of parenting.

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New Blog Posts

Help your Child Develop a Healthy Gut
From the moment babies make their grand entrance into the world, their gut starts building its own ecosystem of bacteria, and believe it or not, the way they are born plays a role. Vaginal birth? Babies get a healthy dose of mom’s beneficial bacteria right from the...
Is your Toddler a Tiny Sociopath? How Empathy is Learned
Technically, sociopathy involves behaviors like impulsivity, lack of empathy, and a disregard for rules. Sound familiar? That’s a toddler in a nutshell. But this behavior is completely normal for their stage of development. Here's why and what you can do about it: Why...
How to Talk to Kids about IVF and Surrogacy
eKids are naturally curious, and sometimes they ask questions that catch us off guard. If your child wonders why a friend has two moms, how a baby was born through surrogacy, or what IVF means, how should you respond? These conversations are a great opportunity to...
Gut Health Myths Busted: Social Media vs. Science
Social media is full of wild claims about gut health! Some health practitioners' advice might be solid, but some is questionable - and sometimes even medical doctors get it wrong. Science is always evolving, so let’s clear up some of the biggest gut health myths. Myth...
Do Kids Need Multivitamins?

Do Kids Need Multivitamins?

Listen to the Podcast episodeIs your child a picky eater, vegetarian or only eats white foods? Then you’ve wondered what their diet is missing. Children have a natural instinct to eat just the right amount of calories to grow. Unfortunately, they don’t automatically...

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